Packing and Mailing Serviecs

Packing and mailing is the core of your business. As simple as this may seem, it's what forms the nucleus of your operation and brings in the majority of your customers. The shipping public yearns for more complete service and greater convenience than they receive elsewhere. You can provide these advantages.

Just like the Post Office, you supply stamps; but in addition, you provide envelopes, cartons, packaging materials and more.You offer custom/specialty packaging services, enabling the customer to simply bring in the item to be shipped.

You do the work for them, and you make money.

Another element that sets you apart from the post office and much of our competition is the availability of choice among many delivery services rather than just one. Your customers can choose UPS, DHL, FedEx, Freight or Bus Line, among others. So, no matter what their shipping or mailing needs, your customers know you are there to do it all.
